Our task: Make Gen Z think Burger King is cool for Halloween.
Our solution: Help them open the gates to the underworld.
And we’re Young Ones One Show Finalists.
CW: MK Holladay, Lexi Warren, and Sydney Pellegrini
Emeline Earman, Lauren Bellamy, Hannah Taylor

Film: Sam Gay
Burger King
BK from the Dead™

Here’s the case study
(if you hate case studies, keep scrolling)

Email me for the password (or just to talk, whatever): mkholladay@crimson.ua.edu

We’ll start by teasing on TV and Social

Email me for the password (or just to talk, whatever): mkholladay@crimson.ua.edu

On Social, people can play to summon the dead

Instagram will have an interactive Ouiopper board. You can ask a question, get an answer, and recieve a Summoning Slip to bring your favorites back from the dead.

People can tweet at BK with #BKfromthedead to get a fortune and a Summoning Slip.

The packaging will be very, very spooky

Finally, on Halloween, we’ll hold in-store seances for the ultimate spook.